Favorite Activity: Watching her shows, playing with her playdough, painting
Favorite Food: Stawberries
Favorite word or phrase to say: Potty time!
Cutest Moment: When arriving at our friends Sandi, Chris, Grady and Collette's house for a playdate, she got out of the car and announced it was "Grady Time!"
Naughtiest Moment: Sitting on Finnegan to ride him "like a horsey"
How Mom's Feeling: Good. This month was super busy with playdates, family visits and POTTY TRAINING. After spending most of the month practicing sitting on the potty and going to the potty, we spent Memorial Day weekend doing the official potty training. Overall it was pretty successful!
Here is my potty training report:
*For the entire month before this, we sat on the potty, read books about the potty, set up the potty area, picked out new panties and introduced the potty incentive chart
Day 1: Pumped L with liquids, she demanded to wear the new panties (even though I had planned on going without for the first day). Took her to the potty or asked if she had to go every 15 minutes. We had about a 50-50 success rate and went through about 6 pairs of panties.
Day 2: Pumped L with liquids. She was not "into" it at all. Lots of accidents. Took her or asked about the potty every 10-15 minutes. Probably went through about 8-10 pairs of panties.
Day 3: Laid off the liquids. She drank her normal amount. Showed her the Daniel Tiger episode about using the potty twice, continuously sang the song. Took her to the potty or asked about it every 15-20 minutes.) Only one accident in the morning. Went through 2 pairs of panties all day (plus a pull up for nap)
Day 4: Watched Daniel Tiger Potty episode again (it's on YouTube. Glorious.) Normal liquid intake. Asked her about the potty every 30 minutes. Took her at least once an hour. Went on an hour long walk to the park (with travel potty in her diaper bag, just in case). Only one partial accident (poop started in her pants, but she told me right away and she finished on the potty). Dry throughout nap as well.
Day 2: Pumped L with liquids. She was not "into" it at all. Lots of accidents. Took her or asked about the potty every 10-15 minutes. Probably went through about 8-10 pairs of panties.
Day 3: Laid off the liquids. She drank her normal amount. Showed her the Daniel Tiger episode about using the potty twice, continuously sang the song. Took her to the potty or asked about it every 15-20 minutes.) Only one accident in the morning. Went through 2 pairs of panties all day (plus a pull up for nap)
Day 4: Watched Daniel Tiger Potty episode again (it's on YouTube. Glorious.) Normal liquid intake. Asked her about the potty every 30 minutes. Took her at least once an hour. Went on an hour long walk to the park (with travel potty in her diaper bag, just in case). Only one partial accident (poop started in her pants, but she told me right away and she finished on the potty). Dry throughout nap as well.
I'm calling it a win.Feeling ok about taking her to J care tomorrow without a diaper. (I did get a piddle pad for the car seat, just in case!)