Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

44 Weeks

Weight: 18.8 pounds
Favorite activity: Chasing the dogs!
Favorite food: mashed potatoes, pasta, pear
Favorite spot: anywhere on the floor
Naughtiest moment: taking a header off the hotel bed!
Cutest moment: getting super excited to see the fish in Julian's aquarium
Important milestones: Ten months this week
How Mom's Feeling: Pretty good, but tired for sure. This weekend marked Lorelei's first Thanksgiving. So we woke up Thanksgiving morning at 5 am, drove all the way down to Ojai for Thanksgiving with my family, hit a hotel, then drove down to Oceanside to visit my mom and Julian, stayed for a few days and left for home at 5 am. Again. Yawn!

Thanksgiving was a blast--Lorelei was SUCH A GOOD TRAVELER! She did not whine, complain or cry one bit during the long drive there or back. It was so much fun visiting with my family, most of whom I hadn't seen in two years, and Brian hadn't seen in 4 years! Lorelei was a big hit, of course. We even got a new stuffed horse and a board book from my cousin Paula and her family. The board book has definitely gotten a lot of play this week!

We had a nice time in Oceanside--very very busy! On Friday, mom and I went to a second hand baby store and stocked up on pants, shirts and dresses for Lorelei. Then we went to the San Diego Zoo on Saturday, and the Botanic Gardens on Sunday. Lorelei loved the goats, bugs and river otters at the zoo. She did NOT like the pandas or the statue of the gorilla! And of course, Lorelei loved the plants the most! That girl loves her some nature! Which is why we went to the Botanic Gardens the next day!

Visiting Super Grandma Ruth for the first time!
Papa cuddles <3

Laughing it up at the Botanic Gardens
L is for Lambs Ear and Lorelei!
Mom and Julian at the Botanic Garden
Petting goats at the zoo!
First taste of ice cream! It was delicious!
Zonked after a long day at the zoo!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

43 Weeks

Favorite activity: Exploring, eating!

Favorite food: tofu, sweet potato, scrambled eggs
Favorite spot: playing in the dog dish
Naughtiest moment: Pulling off her pants and diaper and peeing all over her bed. This was on daddy's watch :)
Cutest moment: playing ball with the dogs
Important milestones: Teeth! We have two lower teeth!
How Mom's Feeling: Lorelei was kinda fussy this week. Not terrible, but she wanted to be held a LOT more this week. Of course, now we know why! She got her first two teeth yesterday! I knew she had something going on and then they broke through the gums yesterday! 

I also think Lorelei is spending too much time with the dogs. She thinks she is a dog! She plays in the dog bed, tries to drink out of the dog dish and tries to eat dog food out of their bowl! Silly girl!

In other news, we reorganized the garage. This may not sound that big to some, but it was MAJOR! We got rid of a lot of cardboard boxes, 35 dead computers and an entire extra cabinet leftover from the previous owners that was pointless and falling apart. Oh, and my dad and step-mom brought new cabinets and new, florescent lights for the garage. The result: a well lit, open space! We'll be able to clear out a few things, add a nice little carpet, and use it as a play space for Lorelei, another room for her birthday party, and nice spot for an indoor play date! Woot!

I'm feeling a little trepidatious for this next week. Thanksgiving! I'm looking forward to seeing family I haven't seen in two years, plus getting to visit my mom in Oceanside, but it's going to be a LONG drive! We survived the plane flight to Hawaii, but Lorelei was not stuck in a car seat the entire time. Stay tuned to hear how it went...

TRAGEDY! Mommy will not give me the basket of hair bows!

Playing with BeeBee

Playing in the ball pit with Lena at our play date (so getting one of these for Lorelei's Birthday party!)

Just chillaxing at the J with our little buddy LouSeal!

What? I'm bouncing here!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

42 Weeks

Weight: 18.6 pounds
Length: 26 1/2 inches
Favorite activity: Exploring, looking out the window
Favorite food: scrambled eggs, pear, noodles
Favorite spot: looking out the window
Naughtiest moment: Banging on the china cabinet
Cutest moment: "waking" daddy up by smacking him on the chin (ok, so I thought it was cute!)
Important milestones: First bruise :(
How Mom's Feeling: Pretty good. It's been a mellow week, all things considered. Lorelei and I went and voted on Tuesday and we visited with friends this weekend. It's been pretty chilly this week, so we've been taking it easy.

This week marked a new, unfortunate milestone. Lorelei's first bruise! She was looking out the window on the bed (holding on to the window ledge) and even with Brian there to catch her if she fell, Lorelei lost her balance and smacked her cheek on the windows sill :( She's got a pretty good bruise there, but doesn't seem to much the worse for wear.

We also were dealing with the whole daylight savings time. It was not kind to us. Lorelei's nap schedules are totally wonky, but we're dealing.

Getting better with the sippy cup

We voted!

Dig the lime!


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

41 Weeks

Favorite activity: Splashing in the dogs' water dish, making a giant mess with her "dishes" in the kitchen
Favorite food: scrambled eggs and pear
Favorite spot: floor = win!
Naughtiest moment: Splashing in the dogs' water dish!
Cutest moment: Playing blocks with her friends at the Halloween party
Important milestones: Pulling herself up into a sitting postion, pushing herself up on hands and knees (not moving yet, though!)
How Mom's Feeling: I'm okay. We had a good week and nice weekend. Very busy! On Saturday, Lorelei went to Lovejoy's for her first high tea (to celebrate our friend Gladys' graduation). It was a ton of fun, and Lorelei loved it! She was such a sweetheart, eating her very own cream cheese and mandarin orange sandwiches and some scone. I'm always a trifle nervous taking her places like that. It's kind of loud, cluttered, with a lot of people in a close space--very stimulating. I always worry that even though she normally does a great job--especially if she has just had a nap (which she had)--that she will flip out and start wailing. Didn't happen. She was smily and flirty and everyone to our friends, the wait staff, and the ladies at the table next to us just loved her!

On Sunday, we went to my mom's group baby Halloween party. Lots of fun. LOTS of babies! Normally, it's just the moms and babies at our meetups, but most of the dads joined in for this one. It's always kind of entertaining to see the dads talking together with the babies, trying to find common ground. You can just tell that we're all after the same thing: trying to find another couple with a baby that you both can connect with. Finding new mom friends is a lot like dating, but it can be done. I seem to have formed a little group of like-minded moms to spend time with. Finding new "couple friends with a baby" is so much harder!

We have had our fair amount of frustration this weekend, though. Daylight Savings Time. It never really bothered me one way or another. But now we are on a schedule. And now that schedule is out of whack. Where we normally we waking up around 7:45-8 am, and napping around 10:30-11 am and going to bed at 8:30 pm, we are now waking up around 6:30-7 am, napping at 10 am and going to bed at 7:30 pm. Truth be told, I don't really mind the 6:30 am wakeup, it's just the nap time and bedtime that's a challenge. 10 am is right when story time starts and it's hard to get dinner ready and bathtime done by 7:30. So we're adjusting. 

Some pictures of our week:

Crawling around the house

High Tea at Lovejoy's
Lorelei: Clearly royalty!

Cuddling with Deb

The graduate!

Eying those treats!

Why yes, I will take that tea cup!

I will take that hat, thank you!

With Auntie Bonnie and Jessica!

Deb and Lawrence "practicing" with Lorelei
Mom's Group Halloween Party!

Lorelei, the Boston Terrier puppy!

Hail Caesar and his "chariot"!

Playing with the blocks

Pretty sure the dads had more fun with the blocks than the babies!

Mmm...tasty foam blocks!

Why yes, Mr. Octopus, I would like this block!

Roney, cutest viking ever!

The gang's all here!

Whoa. Just whoa.

My favorite costume this year: Ronen the viking in the "mother ship"!