Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, December 27, 2012

48 Weeks

Favorite food: Turkey and ebelskievers
Favorite spot: Anywhere she is surrounded by toys!
Naughtiest moment: Stealing Logan's toys
Cutest moment: "singing along" at church
Important milestones: Baby's First Christmas!
How Mom's Feeling: Merry Christmas, everyone! Lorelei celebrated her 11 month birthday on Christmas Eve, with all of her aunties around her. We had a very nice Christmas...well except for the fact that Lorelei still had a cold with her nose running like a faucet, and Brian had the flu...But nice anyway! We celebrated Christmas Eve Eve at our house with a big turkey dinner with all the fixings (it came out mighty tasty, if I say so myself!) This is a tradition that started last year (ok, so not really a tradition yet. But I would like to make it one) and we always have a great time, although next time I'd like to have it start earlier, so we might be able to play games after dinner.

On Christmas Eve, we trekked down to Gilroy with Lorelei still in her Christmas jammies for Christmas "morning" at BeeBee and Poppy's. French toast was eaten, apple cider was drunk, many many many gifts were unwrapped. Then we chillaxed, played with new toys, and got ready for church. No lie, it took two people to get Lorelei into her tights! But she looked ridiculously cute in her new Christmas dress hand made by Brian's aunt Susan!

Lorelei loved the church service. She liked the lights and the music and the children's message with Lambert the lamb puppet. You couldn't have asked for a better baby!

After church, we came home and ate a super yummy prime rib dinner (one of my very favorite traditions!)

On Christmas Day, we had a quiet day at home. We stayed in our jammies, ate ebelskievers and opened gifts. Then we watched a lot of movies.

Brian was a super champ through all of this, considering he has been so sick. We've had to cancel a few things this week, but he has been (mostly) in good spirits.

Here are a few pics of our week. Ok, mostly of the holidays!

Hanging with Auntie Toff!
All dressed up for the party!
Stealing Logan's toys!
The Christmas Eve Eve Table
Christmas Eve morning in her special Star Present Jammies
Checking out her stocking
BeeBee always has the best toys!
Cuddling with Mister Logan
Ready for Church!
Mama and Baby all dressed up!
Christmas morning mess!
Sharing with the boys!
She's a reader!
Her new dolly!
Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

47 Weeks

Favorite food: Blackberries
Favorite spot: The hallway
Naughtiest moment: Throwing food to the doggies
Cutest moment: "kissing" the baby in the mirror
Important milestones: Nothing really this week
How Mom's Feeling: So that whole "run-down" feeling I had last week? Yeah, it caught up to us this week. Mom, Dad and Baby have all been down with a cold :( Not fun at all. Hoping it'll clear up in time for the holidays.

On the plus side, before we all got sick, Lorelei and I went to the Children's Discovery Museum in San Jose. We had SO MUCH FUN! Initially, I wasn't sure, since my experience of the CDM, was always with elementary aged children. Well, it turns out that there is a whole Under 4 area upstairs with a special room just for crawlers and wobbly walkers. We got to enjoy storytime, some finger plays and a very special little cubby with walls made of mirrors. It was, for sure, Lorelei's favorite spot! She kept patting and kissing the baby in the mirror--so cute (although it may be where the cold germs came from!)

Lorelei's pretty much been a champ with this cold. Not too fussy, over all, just a little drippy! Now Daddy, on the other hand... :)

Hello, baby!

I love this kid!

What's in here? does this thing work again?

Ninja Baby holding her samurai umbrella
Bundled up to go to the doctor with Mommy

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

46 Weeks

Favorite activity: Smacking her head on stuff (at least, it seems like it!)
Favorite food: Blueberries and raspberries
Favorite spot: Anyplace she can injure herself :(
Naughtiest moment: Drumming on Papa
Cutest moment: getting super excited when the Christmas tree lights turn on
Important milestones: Crawling on all fours (instead of belly crawling)
How Mom's Feeling: OK. A little run down. It seems like I'm being run ragged on the weekends between getting stuff done for the holidays, holiday and birthday parties and just general house maintenance and chores. On the plus side, all Christmas gifts are purchased and in the house (if not wrapped yet!), our Christmas tree is up and our halls have been decked! All that is left to be done is to wrap the presents, come up with appropriately obscure clues, and get ready for our Christmas Eve Eve dinner!

Life with Lorelei is always interesting. She's getting good at pulling herself up...too good! She routinely pulls herself up and smacks her head into something--be it a table, the window frame, or the floor. There's only so much babyproofing  one can do! As it is, we've done the most basic babyproofing: gates to contain her in the living room, gates blocking off the cords and electronics, we've reduced our coffee table to one segment, so she can't knock the entire thing down, outlet covers. So far, we've gotten away with minor bumps and bruises.

Here are some pictures of our week:

Eating dinner with her buddy Grady at Uncle Travis' birthday party

Grady and Daddy = heart breakers!

Logie Bear celebrating his Daddy's birthday

Picking her first Christmas Tree

Enjoying the branches and shiny lights! Note that all the ornaments in her reach are made of felt!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

45 Weeks

Favorite activity: 
Pulling herself up, oohing and ahhing at the Christmas decorations
Favorite food: Bananas, scrambled eggs, meatloaf
Favorite spot: anyplace she can pull herself up!
Naughtiest moment: Bopping cousin Logan on the head (he didn't seem the worse for wear!)
Cutest moment: playing with Grandma Lou Lou
Important milestones: Pulling herself up onto the furniture all by herself!
How Mom's Feeling: Good, surprisingly relaxed, considering how busy we've been and that Christmas is closing in on us. Realized this week that I actually have ALL MY CHRISTMAS GIFTS! Or at least they are purchased! I had a moment this week when I realized I didn't have a project! And then started a new one right away!

We had a nice weekend--a visit with family and a trip to the Dickens Fair. On Saturday, we visited BeeBee and Poppy and got to see them, as well as Auntie Mel and Cousin Logan and Great Grandma Lou Lou! Lorelei loved playing with her Great Grandma and her cousin (especially some of his toys!) As a fun bonus, we went to a big party with the babies, and I ran into my middle school math teacher! Crazy!

Lorelei has been working on pulling herself up, and has really seemed to master it this week, much to our delight/dismay! The poor monkey keeps pulling herself up, losing her grip or balance and then falling down again. Normally this is fine, but sometimes she bonks her head or cheek on something. She has new matching bruises on both cheeks!

She also has gotten really good at the cups. She works very hard on stacking them just so. I love watching her play. She takes it SO SERIOUSLY!

Crawling like a pro!
Chatting it up with the cousins.
Cosy with Grandma Lou Lou!

Mister Logie-Bear!

Standing up like it ain't no thing! Of course, a moment later she did a header right into the basket!
Hanging with her aunties at the Dickens Fair!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

44 Weeks

Weight: 18.8 pounds
Favorite activity: Chasing the dogs!
Favorite food: mashed potatoes, pasta, pear
Favorite spot: anywhere on the floor
Naughtiest moment: taking a header off the hotel bed!
Cutest moment: getting super excited to see the fish in Julian's aquarium
Important milestones: Ten months this week
How Mom's Feeling: Pretty good, but tired for sure. This weekend marked Lorelei's first Thanksgiving. So we woke up Thanksgiving morning at 5 am, drove all the way down to Ojai for Thanksgiving with my family, hit a hotel, then drove down to Oceanside to visit my mom and Julian, stayed for a few days and left for home at 5 am. Again. Yawn!

Thanksgiving was a blast--Lorelei was SUCH A GOOD TRAVELER! She did not whine, complain or cry one bit during the long drive there or back. It was so much fun visiting with my family, most of whom I hadn't seen in two years, and Brian hadn't seen in 4 years! Lorelei was a big hit, of course. We even got a new stuffed horse and a board book from my cousin Paula and her family. The board book has definitely gotten a lot of play this week!

We had a nice time in Oceanside--very very busy! On Friday, mom and I went to a second hand baby store and stocked up on pants, shirts and dresses for Lorelei. Then we went to the San Diego Zoo on Saturday, and the Botanic Gardens on Sunday. Lorelei loved the goats, bugs and river otters at the zoo. She did NOT like the pandas or the statue of the gorilla! And of course, Lorelei loved the plants the most! That girl loves her some nature! Which is why we went to the Botanic Gardens the next day!

Visiting Super Grandma Ruth for the first time!
Papa cuddles <3

Laughing it up at the Botanic Gardens
L is for Lambs Ear and Lorelei!
Mom and Julian at the Botanic Garden
Petting goats at the zoo!
First taste of ice cream! It was delicious!
Zonked after a long day at the zoo!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

43 Weeks

Favorite activity: Exploring, eating!

Favorite food: tofu, sweet potato, scrambled eggs
Favorite spot: playing in the dog dish
Naughtiest moment: Pulling off her pants and diaper and peeing all over her bed. This was on daddy's watch :)
Cutest moment: playing ball with the dogs
Important milestones: Teeth! We have two lower teeth!
How Mom's Feeling: Lorelei was kinda fussy this week. Not terrible, but she wanted to be held a LOT more this week. Of course, now we know why! She got her first two teeth yesterday! I knew she had something going on and then they broke through the gums yesterday! 

I also think Lorelei is spending too much time with the dogs. She thinks she is a dog! She plays in the dog bed, tries to drink out of the dog dish and tries to eat dog food out of their bowl! Silly girl!

In other news, we reorganized the garage. This may not sound that big to some, but it was MAJOR! We got rid of a lot of cardboard boxes, 35 dead computers and an entire extra cabinet leftover from the previous owners that was pointless and falling apart. Oh, and my dad and step-mom brought new cabinets and new, florescent lights for the garage. The result: a well lit, open space! We'll be able to clear out a few things, add a nice little carpet, and use it as a play space for Lorelei, another room for her birthday party, and nice spot for an indoor play date! Woot!

I'm feeling a little trepidatious for this next week. Thanksgiving! I'm looking forward to seeing family I haven't seen in two years, plus getting to visit my mom in Oceanside, but it's going to be a LONG drive! We survived the plane flight to Hawaii, but Lorelei was not stuck in a car seat the entire time. Stay tuned to hear how it went...

TRAGEDY! Mommy will not give me the basket of hair bows!

Playing with BeeBee

Playing in the ball pit with Lena at our play date (so getting one of these for Lorelei's Birthday party!)

Just chillaxing at the J with our little buddy LouSeal!

What? I'm bouncing here!